Diploma 1-3: Metodología de Investigación en Educación en Salud

Diploma 1-3: Education in Scientific Health Research Methodology editar

  • Diploma 1: Education in Health research methodology
  • Diploma 2: Education in Occupational Health research methodology
  • Diploma 3: Education in writing a scientific article in occupational health

Background editar

Prevention and promoting of well-being for all ages while supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Our research education programs in Occupational-, Maritime- and Public Health are especially related to prevention in SDG3: Good health and well-being for all and strongly related to several other goals[1][2] The Diploma education of Health Research Methodology is divided into three phases and each phase is based on satisfactory completion of the previous phase. Diploma 1-2 can be done independently but Diploma 3 needs the data from either the data collecting program or other data. The condition for going through all three steps is that the students have passed steps 1,2 in that order and the students can choose only to graduate in Diploma 1.

The skills you gain in this Diploma will enable you to pursue a career in research through the university or a combination of research in the clinical healthcare practice. You'll graduate with a multifaceted understanding of health research that is increasingly sought after in healthcare and research environments. The course calendar is flexible and can be delivered on a full or part-time basis, attracting people who might also be working alongside their studies.

The main emphasis of this Diploma is to learn how to conduct independent research and to use the international research outcome for teaching and prevention of health risks. This program is unique in developing countries. It is based on research methodologic training, which is not the case in the other postgraduate courses in health offered in Latin America. The Diploma is open to all students, health educators, doctors, nurses, hygienists, and all other health and safety personnel types.

Diploma 1: Education in Health research methodology - 3-6 months 150-300 hours editar

Purpose editar

The purpose of Diploma 1 is to provide the students with the necessary tools to understand and apply health research results in daily life to maintain a high professional level and ensure an updated and evidence-based prevention and treatment. The is also the basis for learning evidence-based in the next step and for their thesis. The relevant SDG17 goals for occupational health include[3]

The Diploma is intended to prepare the students for scientific-based university thesis work with data collection in school classes or by other methods, analyze the data, and do a literature review as the main part of the thesis. Further, the aim is to train the students to carry out independent research projects to be internationally published and inspire them to actively engage in health research and teaching. The Diploma is focused on epidemiological occupational health research, but as the same research method is used in other health specialties, the course is useful for other students and professionals in health. Mastery of the process of searching, reading, and using the scientific literature is the most important competence to achieve as a basis for evidence-based practice and independent research. As the literature background in health research is quite voluminous, the participants have to select the reading after their own personal interest. In the end, The Diploma of well-done in health research methodology is handed out after having passed the Midterm and final test exams (see below midterm and final test)

Learning methods editar

The students are trained to seek knowledge in scientific articles. The structure is like running small research projects with 1. Identification of the problems, 2. formulating research questions, 3. searching and reviewing the relevant literature of the etiologies, and solving them. Learning is helping students to use the research tools to solve problems in the projects.

Location editar

Zoom meetings

Time editar

To be adapted according to wishes

Languages editar

Most of the study materials are bilingual, English, and Spanish.

Study Hours editar

45 min Zoom meeting every week /Friday and 5 hours self-study per week, in total 150- or more study hours over 3-6 months or more months, if needed.

Midterm exams editar

In the middle of both courses, you will have a test you get a research question and have to search and keep five references in your reference system, where are you orienting yourself in abstract and write in Word a small short IMRAD structured summary 100-150 words and make the reference list in Word. Questions of understanding of the course content will also be used.

The final exam in both Diplomas editar

Show online how you use the "Boolean" type of search words maximum of five, online in Google Scholar or PubMed. Show how you store the references in the Zotero reference system or another you have installed. And how you combine writing text in Word in a small about 100-200 words summary while inserting the references and make a reference list. Questions of understanding of the whole course content will also be applied.

Open Study Plan --> DIPLOMA 1

  1. ‘THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development. Accessed 1 May 2021. https://sdgs.un.org/goals
  2. Contribution to UNs 17 Sustainable Development Goals
  3. https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/dw4sd/themes/osh/WCMS_558571/lang--en/index.htm