El alfabeto ruso tiene 33 letras, de las cuales 10 son vocales y 23 consonantes. Dos de ellas (Ь and Ъ) se usan para cambiar el sonido de la consonante que las precede. Se creó en 1918 y se convirtió en el abecedario oficial de Rusia en el año 1942.

Abecedario editar

А а Б б В в Г г Д д Е е Ё ё
[a] like in car [be] like in back [ve] like in van [ge] like in game [de] like in den [ie] like in yell [io] like in york
Ж ж З з И и Й й К к Л л М м
[zhe] like in meas'ure [ze] like in roze [i] like in eel [ji], [short i] like in bonsai [ka] like in cat [el'] like in lemon, but as soft as in Spanish el [em] like in mammal
Н н О о П п Р р С с Т т У у
[en] like in note [o] like in bore [pe] like in pet [er] like in break [es] like in some [te] like in tail [u] like in tune
Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ч ч Ш ш Щ щ ъ
[ef] like in fall [ha] like in home, but harder or like the Scottish pronunciation of loch. [ce] like in tsetse [che] like in cherry [sha] like in shell [s'ha] like in shield, it should sound softer than Ш/sh [tvyor-diy znakj ]
[hard mark].
ы ь Э э Ю ю Я я
[y, back i] i like in sick [myàkh-keey znak][soft mark] [e] like in fell [ju] like in you [ja] like in yard

Algunas frases y palabras editar

  • _éсли /yésli/ "si";
  • _чтóбы /shtóby/ "para que"
  • _пóсле тогó, как /pósle tavó kak/ "después de"
  • _хотя /khotiá/ "aunque"

Proyecto: Curso de ruso
Anterior: Curso de ruso — Alfabeto — Siguiente: Vocabulario